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Microsoft Office Lesson Plans Your Students Will Love.

Simply click on the image below to download your copy. Microsoft Word Document Template. If you have microsoft word 2016 lesson plan pdf free download used a lesson plan template before to help you plan your lessons consistently, then you may not have been working as узнать больше as you possibly could do.
This blank lesson plan format template can be used by anyone who has Microsoft Word or later installed on a PC. Most home and business users, including teachers, trainers and instructors, have access to a version /8257.txt Microsoft Word.
It is probably one of the most frequently used desktop applications for producing letters, forms and other types of written documents, including lesson plans. Make sure that microsoft word 2016 lesson plan pdf free download save your template somewhere safe. When you open the Microsoft Word template file it will open as a new document ready to be used.
This will happen each time that you open it. The document has been protected to only allow the user to complete the grey boxes. These grey boxes are known as Form Fields. You can tab from one form field to the next or use your mouse to navigate between them. You will not be able to amend any other part of the document unless you /19685.txt the document first.
To find out more about amending my Microsoft word 2016 lesson plan pdf free download Word Templates click here. Simply enter the relevant lesson information into each form field. I recommend that you give your completed lesson plan a unique Lesson Plan reference. This will help you locate and surfcam 2015 r2 download free download it again in the future.
If the lesson plan is going to make up part of a course or module, then enter a Course Reference that uniquely identifies the course. If it can be used as part of more than one course, simply hit return after entering the first course reference and the Course Reference box will expand to allow entry of further references.
Click here to find out more about Course Planning. A diligently completed lesson plan format not only helps prepare for a single lesson, it can be used again and again in the future. It can detail everything required to help deliver a quality lesson. It is an invaluable aid.
Why reinvent the wheel each time the same subject or activity is delivered? Use my lesson plan format template to get started. I provide the template. You provide the knowledge and content. But now you have a well organised, completed and detailed lesson plan, planning for future lessons just got a whole lot easier. If you cannot go to a lesson due to illness etc. This ensures that your students are disturbed as little as possible and that continuity from one class to the next is maintained, something that your students will recognise and appreciate – especially if they are paying customers!
You посетить страницу to ensure that you save it in a safe place and somewhere that makes logical sense. If the lesson plan forms part of a course or module then it makes sense that you save this lesson plan with all other related lesson plans.
At this stage you will want to put some thought into what name you will give the file. Here’s where that unique Lesson Plan Reference I suggested comes into use.
If основываясь на этих данных begin the file name with the Lesson Plan Reference, followed by a hyphen and the Lesson Title, when you view the files saved in a folder directory they will be well organised and easy microsoft word 2016 lesson plan pdf free download locate. To use a real example, as part of one of my previous jobs in a law firm, I designed training courses and materials and delivered lessons to staff on how to use the companies case management system.
I knew the system well as I had microsoft word 2016 lesson plan pdf free download and built the work flows and business rules within it. I really приведенная ссылка to deliver the training microsoft word 2016 lesson plan pdf free download bite sized chunks as it could be quite intimidating for staff my students who had not used this type of case management system before.
When planning the training sessions I of course used my lesson plan format template to ensure that I planned my lessons well and consistently. I created a number of folders into which I would save the completed lesson plans. I soon realised that if I named the files logically and clearly I could get them to appear in the folder directories in the order that I would more than likely be using them. If I defined Lesson Plan references that were logical and sequential, entering them as the first part of the file name when saving the lesson plan and then entering the lesson title afterwards, I would always be able to читать больше the lesson plan easily and quickly.
The files contained within the folder will be displayed as a vertical list ordered alphabetically and numerically by their file name. It’s much easier to see what files you have in a directory when viewed as a vertical list rather than looking at several file icons running across a screen. In the footer of the lesson plan format template the following document information can be found.
If the windows enterprise mit pro key free download lesson plan template is amended at any time the document information will be updated. The amended template will be available to download from this web page. Previous versions of the Microsoft Word template will not be available. Daily Planners. Class Attendance Registers. Course Planning Templates.
Like us on Facebook. Printable Lesson Plan. Monthly Attendance. Certs of Appreciation. Training Attendance. Flash Cards. Lesson Plan Format. Course Plan. Class Attendance Register. Training Session Attendance Sheet. Weekly Attendance Sheet Template. Monthly Attendance Forms. Course /5505.txt Template.
Certificates of Appreciation. Certificates of Achievement. Certificates of Completion. Picture Flash Cards. Vocabulary Flash Cards. Printable Course Plan. Daily Planner s. Weekly Planner s. To Do Lists.
Attendance Sheet. Weekly Attendance. Attendance Calendars. Course Attendance. Printable Certificates. Certificate Template. Award Certificates. Multiplication Charts. Multiplication Tables. Printable Flash Cards.
Planning Templates :. Lesson Planning. Course Planning. Weekly Planners. Attendance Templates:. Attendance for Class Registers. Times Table Award Certificate Templates. MS Office Templates. Safe Templates. Site Search. Flash Cards :. Flash Card Templates. Maths Resources:. Times Tables. Privacy Policy.
Free downloadable lesson plan format using Microsoft Word templates
This will launch the My Computer window. But, they can use it at home. When you first open a new document, the title bar will say Document. After you save it, the new name will show on the title bar. Notice all the options available under the File tab. The next time you open Word , click on each of the options to view what is available. You can customize the QAT to insert your most commonly used commands by clicking on the down arrow at the right.
When you are inserting text, it is an I-beam. Then click beside Ruler. This will turn it on. The ruler above shows a 6.
This is an optional component. Scroll Bars Just like with any program including Internet Explorer , the Scroll Bars allow you move left to right or up and down. Vertical Scroll Bar Moves the window up or down This is an optional component. Horizontal Scroll Bar Moves the window left to right.
The tabs File, Home, and Insert show up first in Word, Publisher, and PowerPoint If a tab or command is not currently available, it will appear dimmed. The Launcher button located to the bottom right of some group names will show more available commands.
Notice, you now have a Small caps option that is not available anywhere else. For more shortcut keys, visit. Do NOT press Enter key at the end of every line. Only Enter to force a line ending such as with address lines or at the end of a paragraph. A forced Enter is commonly called a hard return.
Word Wrap — a feature that automatically moves a word that is too long to fit on a line to the beginning of the next line. Are you pressing the Enter key with your right pinky? Delete deletes to the right. Delete This is an optional component. You can customize the margins by clicking on the Layout tab and the down arrow on the Margins command.
Default: a selection automatically used by a computer program in the absence of a choice made by the user. Definition source: m-w. You are allowed to click anywhere and begin typing. These symbols mean something specific to the software.
Change document type. Do you need to make this a. Another document is created. The original is kept intact. The new document can now be edited. Save Changes are saved on top of current document. It contains a number of resources that you can use to teach your middle or high school students to use Microsoft Word.
Want more than just Microsoft Word lesson plans to supplement your existing curriculum? The curriculum begins with Microsoft Word Essentials , which introduces your students to the basics of the application.
Next, you can use the Microsoft Word Fundamentals lessons to give students a more in depth look at formatting content within a Word document.
Once they have mastered the basics, your students can move on to the Microsoft Word Skills Project to put their skills to the test. The project requires learners to start from scratch and fully create a document.
If you want to take it one step further, you can assign the Microsoft Word Business Project, which requires students to create a job description booklet using more advanced skills. Looking for additional tips? Let’s face it–Excel isn’t the most exciting Microsoft application out there. So what can you do to spice up your Microsoft Excel lesson plans? Make them relevant to your students! So where can you find engaging, relevant Microsoft Excel lesson ideas?
Start by reviewing these popular Microsoft Excel lesson plan resources :. Our computer applications curriculum has you covered with Excel, too! The first module in the sequence is the Microsoft Excel Essentials , which provides an overview of working with spreadsheets, cells, rows, and columns. Students also learn about using basic functions and formulas.
Next, students can work through Microsoft Excel Fundamentals. This module provides an overview of the fundamentals of Microsoft Excel, including relative and absolute cell references, common functions, and formatting.
PowerPoint is sometimes considered to be overused in schools, both by instructors and students. Your PowerPoint lessons should be more than just a How-To. You must make sure that your students understand how a presentation can effectively and ineffectively be used.
So how can you teach your students to effectively use Microsoft PowerPoint? We recommend you start with four topics on Microsoft PowerPoint:. To find teaching tips and activity outlines, read these articles:. Need more structure and resources to teach Microsoft PowerPoint? Then, in the Microsoft PowerPoint Fundamentals module , students learn about creating effective presentations that are interesting, engaging, and functional. Microsoft Access can be a challenging subject for middle school and high school students.
To help you save time , we put together a list of popular Microsoft Access teaching resources :. Each of these websites has a variety of materials to help you teach Microsoft Access skills. This module provides an overview of database theory as students gain practical experience with Microsoft Access.
Do you give Microsoft Publisher its fair share of attention? Many computer applications educators avid including Microsoft Publisher lesson plans in their curriculum. To help you get started, we put together a list of popular Microsoft Publisher lessons and activities :.
Microsoft word 2016 lesson plan pdf free download
2 Lesson 1 STARTING WORD Microsoft Word is a word processing tool for creating different types of documents that are used in work and school environments. The appearance of Microsoft Word is similar to Word and Word , but with more enhanced features. It contains a customized Office Background. documents. This class introduces users to Microsoft Word NOTE: Experienced users may benefit from this tutorial, as is different from previous versions. Opening Word First, we will need to open Word This can be done by double-clicking on the Word icon on the desktop or, In Windows 10, 1. Open the Start Menu. 2. Word document. As you continue through the PPT, ask students to open up Microsoft Word so they can see the various screen components as you display them on the PowerPoint slides. You may want to go back and forth between a blank Word document and the PowerPoint slide to make certain that students see the various menu bars and tabs. Hands-on.